Theodor Strobl †
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Former professor of hydraulic engineering and hydraulic management
TUM School of Engineering and Design
born August 25, 1941
died September 06, 2023
Theodor Strobl concentrated his career development on the issues concerning hydraulic engineering and hydraulic management. As a highly influential expert, he was involved as a consultant in numerous large international building projects, such as embankment dam projects in Jordan, Nepal, Kenya and Oman. His academic interest covers a broad spectrum of issues in hydraulic engineering. He concerned himself with the underground insulation of dams, the use of roller compacted concrete in dam walls as well as security surveillance of dams, for example by utilizing fiberglass mechanics. Theodor Strobl wrote important works on the effectiveness of flood protection systems, bed load transport after a flood and the natural regeneration of rivers and streams (mathematical and physical models). His expertise was and is still in demand for numerous public projects, for example in Bavaria. He was responsible for the planning and construction of the Franconian lake landscape, and was heavily involved in the Bavarian Ministry of the Environment’s formulation of guidelines for residual flow. Apart from this, the support and optimization of hydraulic energy is a central concern of his. He is much sought after by power supply companies as an adviser on hydraulic engineering and management matters. In recent studies, he has been involved in, among other things, the possibility of fair water distribution in drought areas around the world.
Short biography
1963 – 1968 | Studies in structural engineering, TH Darmstadt |
1968 – 1971 | Construction project director at construction sites in Brazil and Germany with Hochtief AG, Essen |
1975 – 1981 | Construction engineer for state of Bavaria; dam consultant, Supreme Building Authority, Munich |
1982 | Doctorate in structural engineering, TH Darmstadt |
1982 – 1987 | Director of the New Dams Construction Office, Nuremberg |
1987 – 1989 | Ministry council, director of the subject area of Dams and Hydraulic Energy, Supreme Building Authority, Munich |
1989 – 2007 | Professor of hydraulic engineering and hydraulic management, TUM; director of the Obernach Research Center (Oskar von Miller Institute) |
Memberships and honors
Consultant for the government Oman (since 1990)
Consultant to the Bavarian Water Management concerning issues on flood protection, river construction and bed load operations (morphological issues)
Chairperson of the expert committee on dams for the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA) (1990-2009)
Member of the German Society for Geotechnics
Member of the German Geotechnical Society (DGGT) Member of the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD)
- Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Medal from TUM (2009)
- Honorary Needle from the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (2010)
- Cross of Merit on Ribbon of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (2021)
You can download "Explanations of honors and awards" here [PDF 215 KB]