The publications of the TUM Senior Excellence Faculty are mostly based on the results of scientific symposia, initiatives or working groups with high-ranking national and international scientists and institutions within and outside TUM.
Publications of the TUM Forum Sustainabiltiy
The TUM Forum Sustainability is an initiative of the TUM Senior Excellence Faculty since 2016 in cooperation with the Institute for Earth System Preservation IESP e.V. and the TUM Institute for Advanced Study. The aim of the initiative is to bring the topic of sustainability, from an interdisciplinary and scientific perspective, into greater public focus. In addition, decision-makers in business and politics are to be supported in their sustainable actions by providing concrete examples and recommendations for action. The majority of the following publications arose from ideas or specific projects within the TUM Forum Sustainability.
The TUM Senior Excellence Faculty of the Technical University of Munich –
A 15-Year Success Story
Michael Molls, Birgit Herbst-Gaebel, Joerg Eberspaecher, Hermann Auernhammer, Georg Faerber, Klaus Mainzer, Winfried Petry, Ralf Reichwald, Kristina Reiss, Peter Wilderer and Thomas F. Hofmann
Published October 17th, 2022
Proceedings of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (PEASA)
Ralf Reichwald, Magnus Fröhling, Birgit Herbst-Gaebel, Michael Molls, Peter Wilderer
Year 2022
Series: TUM Forum Sustainability
Technical University of Munich, TUM.University Press
free download of the bilingual edition (German-English) via mediaTUM (4,2 MB)
Strategies for Sustainability of the Earth System
Peter A. Wilderer, Martin Grambow, Michael Molls, Konrad Oexle
Year 2018
Springer Verlag
Denkanstöße für die Zeit nach Corona |
Forward Thinking for the Post-Corona Era
Michael Molls, Jörg Eberspächer,Hermann Auernhammer, Georg Färber, Birgit Herbst-Gaebel, Udo Lindemann, Klaus Mainzer, Winfried Petry, Ralf Reichwald, Jürgen Scheurle, Leo van Hemmen, Peter Wilderer
Year 2020: German edition | year 2021: Englisch edition
Technical University of Munich, TUM.University Press
free download German edition via mediaTUM (4 MB)
free download English edition via mediaTUM (4 MB)
Video: Violated Earth – Violent Earth
Causes and effects of human misconduct
Year 2019
Technical University of Munich
Nachhaltikge Entwicklung in Afrika
TUM als Partner in Bildung, Forschung & Realiserung
TUM Emeriti of Excellence in cooperation with the TUM School of Governance
Editor: Wolfgang A. Herrmann, President of the Technical University of Munich
Year 2018
Technical University of Munich
Sustainable Risk Management
Peter A. Wilderer, Ortwin Renn, Martin Grambow, Michael Molls, Konrad Oexle
Year 2018
Springer Verlag
Brochure on the TUM Emeriti of Excellence project
Jahr 2016
Technische Universität München
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