Ulrich Wagner
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Retired Full Professor at the Chair for Energy Economy and Application Technology
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Former Scientific Director of the Research Institute for Energy Economy (FfE e.V.)
born July 16,1955
Ulrich Wagner's research fields are the more efficient use of energy and integration of renewable energies in all application sectors. He developed detailed methods and models to simulate the entire energy system, considering and optimizing all energy carriers and applications. He developed a testing procedure for the energy productivity of traction batteries in electric vehicles, which was proved in international projects. He founded and directed the Hydrogen-Initiative Bavaria, the first of its kind in Germany. In intensive and successful industrial cooperations he participated in R&D of components for a hydrogen energy system, e.g. fuel cells, electrolyzers and storage systems.
In his research work the holistic Life Cycle Analysis always played a central role, e.g. in the form of „hidden energy“ for production, use and recycling of products and services. At the same time the communication of scientific results into public and politics was an important part of his work, e.g. in the form of hearings and declarations.
Short biography
1974 - 1981 | Study of Electrical Engineering in Bogotá and TUM, Dipl.-Ing. |
1987 | PhD at TUM „Energy Productivity of Electric Vehicles Batteries“ |
1987 - 1995 | Managing Director of FfE e.V. |
1992 - 1995 | TUM-Lecturer „Electric Road Vehicles“ and „Load Management and Energy Storage“ |
1995 - 2020 | Full Professor at TUM chair for Energy Economy and Application Technology |
1995 - 2021 | Scientific Director of FfE e.V. |
1995 - 2008 | Founder and Director of the Hydrogen Initiative Bavaria (wiba) |
2004 - 2010 | Member of Senate of "Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft deutscher Forschungszentren" |
2005 - 2008 | Dean of Faculty „Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik“ at TUM |
2010 - 2015 | Board Member for Energy and Mobility at German Aerospace Center (DLR) |
since 2021 | Scientific Advisor of Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft e.V. |
Selected memberships and awards
VDI-GET and VDE Südbayern
Member of the "Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften"
acatech, German representative in the International organization of engineering and technological sciences academies (CAETS)
Board Member "Forum für Zukunftsenergien", Berlin
Advisory Board of Bavaria Ministry for Economic Affairs
Climate Council of the Bavarian State Government
Energy Enquete-Commission of the Bavarian State Government
Task Force Energy of Federal Ministry for Economic Affiars
Advisor in scientific institutions, federal ministries, associations and industry
Editor in Journal „energies“
VDI-Award for special merits
Pro meritis scientiae et litterarum, Award of the Bavarian Government
Selected publications
Wagner, U.: “Energy Storage: Techniques and Perspectives”, 8th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES), Berlin 2013
von Roon S., Wagner U.: „The Interaction of Conventional Power Production and Renewable Power under the Aspect of Balancing Forecast Errors”. In: Proceedings of the 10th IAEEE European Conference on Energy, Policies and Technologies for Sustainable Economies, Wien, 08.09.-10.09.2009.
Rudolph M., Wagner U.: Energieanwendungstechnik. Wege und Techniken zur effizienteren Energienutzung. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2008.
Wagner U., Eckl R., Tzscheutschler P.: “Energetic life cycle assessment of fuel cell powertrain systems and alternative fuels in Germany”. ENERGY. 2006; 31: 2726-2739.