Reinhard Rummel
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. mult.
Former professor of astronomical and physical geodesy
TUM School of Engineering and Design
born December 3, 1945
Reinhard Rummel is one of the world’s most influential scientists in physical geodesy and satellite gravimetry. He also works in the areas of geodesy, surveying, higher geodesy, astronomical geodesy, gravimetry and potential theory. He was one of the principal initiators of GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer), the European Space Agency’s satellite mission that was launched at the Russian rocket launch pad Plesetsk on March 17, 2009 and which completed its mission on November 11, 2013. The goal of the GOCE mission was to collect data on the Earth’s gravitational field in unprecedented precision and detail for the purposes of geophysics, oceanography and geodesy. Reinhard Rummel also initiated the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS), which, in creating a network of international and interdisciplinary databases, aims to construct a consistent geodetic model of the Earth. In recognition of his achievements in higher geodesy and satellite gravimetry, he was awarded the Bavarian Order of Merit in 2008 and the Bavarian Maximilian Order in 2010.
Short biography
1966 - 1970 | Study of surveying engineering, TUM |
1970 - 1974 | Academic assistant, doctorate, Technical University of Darmstadt |
1974 -1976 | Post-doctoral research residency, Ohio State University, USA |
1976 - 1978 | Academic assistant, German Geodesic Research Institute (DGFI), Munich |
1978 - 1980 | Academic assistant, Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Munich |
1980 - 1993 | Professor of higher geodesy, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands |
1993 - 2011 | Professor of astronomical and higher geodesy, TUM |
Memberships and honors
Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science (1989)
Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (1993)
Fellow of the International Association of Geodesy (1994)
Member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW) (1997), chair of the commission for higher geodesy and glaciology
Honorary member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2001)
Member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (2004)
Carl von Linde Senior Fellowship, TUM-IAS
- Heiskanen Award, Ohio State University, USA (1977)
- Vening Meinesz Medal, European Geophysical Society (1998)
- Honorary doctorate from the University of Bonn (2005)
- Honorary doctorate from the TU Graz, Austria (2005)
- Prize for Good Teaching, State of Bavaria (2006)
- Bavarian Order of Merit (2008) Bavarian Maximilian Order for Science and Art (2010)
- Soldner Medal from the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs (2012)
- Honorary doctorate from the Ohio State University, USA (2013)
- Honory award from the German Association of Surveying (DVW) (2013)
- Honorary doctorate from the Aristoteles-University, Thessaloniki, Greece (2014)
- Levallois-Medal of the International Association of Geodesy (2016)
- Gaußmedaille from the Scientific Society of Braunschweig (BWG) (2016)
You can download "Explanations of honors and awards" here [PDF 215 KB]