Manfred Broy
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.
Former Professor of Software & Systems Engineering
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
born October 8, 1949
Interview with Software Expert and TUM Emeritus of Excellence Manfred Broy
"I want to implement digital technology in a socially responsible way"
Already in school maths came easy to TUM Alumni Manfred Broy and he enjoyed it a lot. He turned his fondness for formalisation into his profession and is now one of the most cited computer scientists worldwide. [read more]
Manfred Broy conducts research into the areas of modeling anddeveloping complex software-intensive systems. One of his goalsis to further develop methods of software & systems engineeringbased on mathematical and logical models. A particular focus of his work isquality assurance and the long-term evolution of systems. He has over 350scientific publications to his name and belongs to the most cited computerscientists worldwide. Manfred Broy was one of the first to realize the importanceof extending computer science in Germany to technical applications,especially in embedded systems. At his chair, research is focused on thefields of model-based specification and the development of software-intensivesystems, requirements engineering, and software quality and maintainability.Beyond his achievements in science, Manfred Broy is also a drivingforce in the closer cooperation between the economy and science. The findingsand work conducted by his research group have involved numerousindustrial collaborations and lead to important innovations. They are successfullyapplied in telecommunications, aviation electronics, automobileconstruction, banking, and in business information systems. Manfred Broy isactive as an expert and a jury member in national and international IT competitions,has an inside line on complex IT projects, and is a renowned agitatorfor change and improvement in processes in commerce and the economy. Manfred Broy is the founding president and was scientific director of the Centre forthe Digitalization of Bavaria (ZD.B) from November 2015 to April 2019. In his position he has been commissioned to construct a platform dealing with key issues related to digitalization, which functions asa link between university research, extramural research, and industrial development.
Short biography
1976 | Diploma in Mathematics, specializing in Computer Science, TUM |
1980 | Doctorate in Mathematics, TUM |
1976 – 1983 | Research Assistant, Institute for Mathematics, TUM |
1983 | Founding Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Passau University |
1983 – 1989 | Professor of Computer Science, Passau University |
1992 | Founding Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, TUM |
1989 – 2015 | Professor of Computer Science, TUM |
2015 | Founding President of the Centre for Digitalization of Bavaria (ZD.B) |
2015 – 2019 | Scientific Director ot the Centre for Digitalization of Bavaria (ZD.B) |
Memberships and honors
Member of the European Academy of Sciences (1992)
Received the Federal Cross of Merit (1996)
Member of the German Academy of Natural Sciences “Leopoldina” (2003)
Awarded honorary doctorate by Passau University (2003)
Fellow of the German Informatics Society (2004)
Bavarian State Prize for Education and Culture (2006)
Member of the Council of Technical Sciences (2006)
Bavarian Maximilian Order for Science and Art (2012)
Member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (2014)
Collaborative Research Center 342 “Methoden und Werkzeuge für die Nutzung paralleler Architekturen” (1990-1999)
Spokesperson of Fortiss directorate (Innovationszentrum für software-intensive Systeme) at the TUM (2009)
Project leader for the Acatech study “agendaCPS” (2012)Scientific spokesperson for the research alliances SPES and SPES_XT (2009-2015)
Long-term research collaborations with the companies BMW, MAN and Munich RE
- Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Prize by the DFG (1994)
- Max Planck Fellow at the Institute for Software Systems, Kaiserslautern (2006)
- Konrad-Zuse-Medal by the German Informatics Society (2007)
You can download "Explanations of honors and awards" here [PDF 215 KB]