Hermann Auernhammer
Prof. Dr. agr. Dr. agr. habil.
Former Professor of technology in Crop Science and Landscape Management
TUM School of Life Sciences
born 1941
Since the beginning of his scientific occupation, Prof. Auernhammer concerned himself with ergonomic questions in all areas of agriculture. Already in 1973 he recognized the great potential of the new medium electronics for control and optimization of agricultural work processes. In this context he not only created the basis for the development of EDP in the entire agricultural engineering in Weihenstephan, but also for its practical application. Within in the scope of the ‘Forschungsverbund Agrarökosysteme München’ (FAM, research association of agricultural ecosystem Munich) first successful attempts were made to elevate georeferenced yield data by means GPS-supported position determination in high density, to evaluate them electronically and to use resulting, high-resolution yield maps for further computer-supported, production-technical measures e.g. fertilization. Everything finally lead to the development of ‘Precision Farming’ principle. To further develop this strategy, Prof. Auernhammer initiated the first DFG reserach group at the Weihenstephan Science Cenre in 1998 on the topic of "Information System for Small-Scale Inventory Management (IKB)". From 1998-2006 he was spokesperson the the reserach project. This research project is one of the world's pioneering achievements for differentiated and optimised land use, that is both environmentally appropriate and cost-saving.
Short biography
year | stops |
3 years agricultural apprenticeship | |
5 years assistant in inland and foreign countries | |
Agricultural school | |
Agricultural builder | |
Administrator | |
Advanced education for non-technical jobs in Nürtingen / Neckar | |
Studies of Agriculture at TU Munich in Weihenstephan | |
Pedagogical complementary studies for higher teaching at vocational schools at TU Munich | |
1971 | academic assistant at the institute of agricultural engineering |
Ergonomics | |
Electronics in animal farming | |
Chairman of the group of standardizations LBS | |
1975 | Doctorate |
1990 | Habilitation |
1996 | Professor for technology in Crop Science and landscape management, TU Munich |
Memberships and honors
Member of the German Agricultural Society (DLG) e.V.
Member of the Max-Eyth-society for agricultural engineering at VDI
Member of the society for informatics in agriculture, forestry and food economy (GIL)
Member of European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng)
Member of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)
Member of CIGR International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Member of Club of Bologna
Member of Editorial Board of "Computer and Electronics in Agriculture (COMPAG)"
Member of Editorial Board of "Precision Agriculture"
Member, later employee at international standardization ISO/TC23/SC19/WG3
Founding Fellow of CIGR_iAABE
- Thurn und Taxis promotion price for agriculture (1983)
- Max-Eyth-memory-coin of MEG (1990)
- Federal cross of Merit on the bonds of the salary order of the federal republic Germany
- International DigiGlobe for the area ‘Economy and politics’ of FOCUS/TELEKOM (1998)
- Environmental Award of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (2001)
- Precision Farming Award, 6ECPA Skiathos, Grecce (2007)
- Recognition Award EurAgEng (2010) • CIGR Fellow (2011)
You can download "Explanations of honors and awards" here [PDF 215 KB]
Key publications
Auernhammer, H. (1976): Eine integrierte Methode zur Arbeitszeitanalyse, Planzeiterstellung und Modellkalkulation landwirtschaftlicher Arbeiten, dargestellt an verschiedenen Arbeitsverfahren der Bullenmast. Dissertation Weihenstephan, KTBL-Schrift 203, Münster-Hiltrup: Landwirtschaftsverlag
Auernhammer, H. (1982): On the drawing up of planning documents for the agricultural production progress. Proceedings of the XXI CIOSTA/CIGR (V) Congress, Agricultural Development and Advisory Service Reading, pp. 227-232
Auernhammer, H. (1989): The German Standard for Electronical Tractor Implement Data Communication. In: Sagaspe, J.P and A. Villeger (Eds.), AGROTIQUE 89, Proceedings of the Second International Conference, 26-28.09.1989, Bordeaux (Frankreich), pp.395-402 (ISBN 2-87717-012-8)
Auernhammer, H. (1990): Comparison of Dairy Housing Systems. Technical Abstracts and Poster Abstracts on "International Conference on Agricultural Engineering (AG ENG '90)" Berlin: VDI-AGR/MEG, pp. 293-294
Auernhammer, H., Muhr, T. (1991): GPS in a Basic Rule for Environment Protection in Agriculture. In: Proceedings of the 1991 Symposium "Automated Agriculture in the 21st Century", December 16-17, 1991, Chicago, Illinois, USA, ASAE St. Joseph, MI, USA, 394-402 (ISBN 0929355210)
Auernhammer, H., Frisch, J. (Hrsg. 1993): Landwirtschaftliches BUS-System LBS. Münster-Hiltrup: KTBL-Schriftenvertrieb im Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH, Arbeitspapier 196 (ISBN 3-7843-1841-X, 199 S.)
Auernhammer, H., Demmel, M., Muhr, T., Rottmeier, J., Wild, K. (1993): Yield Measurements on Combine Harvesters. ASAE Wintermeeting Chicago, St. Joseph 1993, Paper-No. 931506
Auernhammer, H. (Ed., 1994): GPS in Agriculture. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishers, Vol. 11, No. 1, special issue (95 pages, ISSN 0168-1699)
Auernhammer, H., Demmel, M., Maidl, F.X., Schmidhalter, U., Schneider, T., Wagner, P. (1999): An on-farm communication system for precision farming with nitrogen real-time application. ASAE St. Joseph, Paper No. 991150
Gallmeier, M., Auernhammer, H. (2004): Comparision of machanical, hydraulic and electric designs for efficient drivelines in mobile working machines. In: AgEng Leuven 2004: Book of abstracts. Leuven, part 1, pp. 422-423 (ISBN 90-76019-258)
Auernhammer, H., Speckmann, H (2006): Dedicated Communication Systems and Standards for Agricultural Applications. In: CIGR Handbook of Agricultural Engineering, Volume 6: Information Technology (Ed. Munack, A.). St. Joseph: ASABE, MI (USA), pp. 435-452 (ISBN 1-892769-54-9)