Heiner Bubb
Prof. Dr.
Former professor of ergonomics
TUM School of Engineering and Design
born April 12, 1943
Interview with TUM Emeritus of Excellence Heiner Bubb
"This title bestowed on me by TUM fills me with pride."
Heiner Bubb is one of the most important researchers in the field of Vehicle Ergonomics. He has shaped generations of vehicles with his concepts for human-oriented machine design. This he would never have dreamed of when he was a student at TUM. [read more]
Heiner Bubb is one of the most important researchers in the field of vehicle ergonomics. He has shaped generations of vehicles with his concepts for human-oriented machine design.
As early as his doctoral thesis, Heiner Bubb developed the so-called contact-analogue head-up display (HUD), which allows the user to maintain his head position and line of vision, as the information is projected directly into his field of vision. This solution that Heiner Bubb demonstrated as early as 1975 is nowadays used in cars or aeroplanes all over the world.
Barely two years later, he dealt with the ergonomics of the human-machine system in his habilitation. Among other things, he provided the theoretical basis for understanding and operating the handling of driver assistance systems, which intervene semi-autonomously or autonomously in drive and control functions or warn of dangerous situations.
Finally, Heiner Bubb's vision of a computer-supported ergonomic human model that makes ergonomic findings available to everyone at any time, like a virtual test person, was also groundbreaking. As part of a research project, Heiner Bubb played a leading role in the development of the 3D human model RAMSIS ("Rechnergestütztes Anthropometrisch-Mathematisches System zur Insassen-Simulation", a computer-aided anthropometric-mathematical system for occupant simulation). Today, 80 percent of all automotive companies worldwide use the model to design their vehicles in such a way that the risk of human error can be increasingly minimised.
Short biography
1962 - 1968 | Study of Technical Physics, TUM |
1975 | Doctorate at the Institut of Ergonomics, TUM |
1978 | Habilitation by the theme "“Ergonomic of the Man-Machine System”, TUM |
1980 | Professor at the Institute of Ergonomics, TUM |
1985 - 1993 | Professor of ergonomics (Arbeitswissenschaft), Catholic University of Eichstaett |
1987 - 1990 | Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education, Catholic University of Eichstaett |
1991 - 1993 | Member of the Senat, Catholic University of Eichstaett |
1993 - 2009 | Full Professor of Ergonomics, TUM |
2005 - 2007 | Dean of Studies, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and Speaker of the TUM Deans of Study, TUM |
2019 - 2022 | Ombudsperson, TUM |
Memberships and honors
1986 - 2008: Chairman of the working group "Human Reliability" of the Association of German Engineers VDI
1997 - 2003: Member of the Board, President and Vice-President of the Society for Ergonomics GfA (Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaften)
2001 - 2010: Founder and Chairman of the ECN (Ergonomics Competence Network)
2008: Fellow of the IEA (International Ergonomic Association)
2008: Medal of Honor of the VDI
2010: Honorary Member of the ECN
2012: Badge of Honour of the VDI
2019: Honorary Member of the GfA